Amidst a recent string of paranormal occurrences, the street magician Calisto is sought out by the criminal merchant Aamon to locate its source. What results instead puts him in the sights of assassins, doomsday cults, gun-toting priests, and eldritch monstrosities from between stars as Cal confronts his worst fears in a harrowing search for answers.
Currently, I go by ProphecizedEgg, an ancient name chosen for me by the storytelling nomads of the frozen north. They discovered me, decrepit and weak, in the nook of an old tree, and took me in and shared the riveting stories of their world. At their behest, I have taken up the task of portraying a small piece of that story for you to see here, in the hopes that the history of this world is not forgotten, and humanity does not repeat their mistakes.
May Divinity shine its golden light upon you.